Another Trip to the V-E-T

Cat Couch here:
Chatham made another trip to the vet to see if the bladder infection had finally cleared up - it hasn't. So a third round of the antibiotics for him. Dr. Gratson said that it's not uncommon for older cats to have a hard time during the winter to shake off this sort of thing. My husband, who took him there, started to cry and the vet said that Chatham was alert and not in any pain. She said that we shouldn't lose hope yet.
Unfortunately, Chatham's weight has gone down again. I feed him in our bed a good bit (if only to keep Salem from getting to it!). Baby food ham and tuna - even his favorite, saltine crackers - are offered. We do try to get him to eat his real cat food because of the nutrients. Chatham is still interested in food, just doesn't eat what we offer.
The litter boxes are no longer in the basement, but are on the first floor. Chatham does come down from upstairs to use it. (He's not that good about covering up and Salem has taken to doing it after Chatham leaves.)
For the most part, Chatham has been spending his time up on our bed. I go up several times a day to offer food or to visit. Sometimes he'll come down in the evening when I'm watching tv and sit on my lap.
Yesterday I went down to the basement to do some laundry. The basement door has been closed to Chatham and Salem since we moved the boxes up, and this time I forgot to completely close it when I went down. Chatham came down and went straight to where "his" box used to be. I told him "no" and to go back upstairs. Naturally, he did.
He's such a smart boy.