Cat Couch here again:
Chatham seems to be feeling better. This morning he spent an hour and a half on my lap, which he hasn't done in a long time. Yesterday he actually forced Salem out of the catbed that was in the afternoon sun! I also gave him a bath - the Vet didn't advise that I do this because she thought it would stress him out. But quite frankly, nothing really fazes Chatham (bothers, yes, but not frighten). He's just not limber anymore and is dehydrated - just can't bathe himself like he used to. I think that he feels better now that he's clean.
He's still not eating enough to make us happy. And since his Cosequin (for arthritis) gets mixed in his food, he's not getting a full dose. We'll have to give it to him in a pill form if he doesn't do better. He's interested in food, but won't always eat. We've taken the suggestions given to us and we are trying everything ...

Chatham seems to be feeling better. This morning he spent an hour and a half on my lap, which he hasn't done in a long time. Yesterday he actually forced Salem out of the catbed that was in the afternoon sun! I also gave him a bath - the Vet didn't advise that I do this because she thought it would stress him out. But quite frankly, nothing really fazes Chatham (bothers, yes, but not frighten). He's just not limber anymore and is dehydrated - just can't bathe himself like he used to. I think that he feels better now that he's clean.
He's still not eating enough to make us happy. And since his Cosequin (for arthritis) gets mixed in his food, he's not getting a full dose. We'll have to give it to him in a pill form if he doesn't do better. He's interested in food, but won't always eat. We've taken the suggestions given to us and we are trying everything ...

Needless to say, this Grumpy Ol' Man in a Fur Coat
is getting the royal treatment!
We offer food and beg him to eat it frequently. Yesterday he ate dry food offered one nugget at at time, but not all at once (does he have us wrapped around his paw or what?)
Hopefully his check up on the 19th will show improvement.
Chatham, you tries that they give all those rich things you that you liked to eat..,
All all we loved to you...
PD: your plates to eat are very beautiful =^.-^=
Chatham, we will be keeping our paswies crossed for your for your next v-e-t visit. We hopes that you finds a food that you likes!
Good news that he's doing better. Sounds like he's got some of his spunk back. And he's still a good looker even if he is grumpy.
we will be purrayin for u.ars mommie has a special spot in her heart for saimese. she hads some but they is at the rainbow bridge. she says u is very handsome and she is gonna purray for you too.
yuki & kimiko
Chatham, we's glad you's feelin a lil better. We'll keep our pawsies crossed for you to feel lots better and get a good ree-purrt from the V-E-T when you goes next.
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
Oh Chatham, I am glad you came out and sat on your Momma! That is always good. I hope you get to feeling better now that you have your humans trained!
We're glad you're feelin' a little better, Chatham. Good job trainin' the humans to give you a buffet!
Chatham, we are all crossing our paws and sending healing purrs your way. Tilly is also getting the royal treatment. Why not? The senior catizens deserve extra loving and treats.
Hang in there, handsome boy!
Good to hear that Chatham is doing well! Yeah, he has you under his paw. I had a cat who required me to let him lick yoghurt off my fingers when he was ill. He would not eat anything else, in any other way:0
GK is cheering Chatham on! You go, buddy!
Oh Chatham, we hope you'll get a good checkup!
Chatham - are those FOUR bowels of food in your bed? We are glad your people are taking such good care of
you but we hope you're feeling better real soon! -- Alberta, Sky, Blackie and Charlie
Hi Chatham, how are you doing?
You go Chatham. Old poodies deserved to be spoiled. heehee ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko
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