Feeling Much Better

All your good wishes have made their way to me and I'm doing much better now. I spent pretty much all week in Cat Couch and Dad's bed. Today I did come down and stay awhile in the window.
I know that I complain about all the stuff my Beans do to me, and all that medicine stuff - and I also know that it's all helping me. The Cosequin is helping me stiffness and the fluid makes my fur softer and my mouth doesn't feel so dry.
I just don't have to like it!
(and yup, the litter boxes are still upstairs.)
Glad to hear you are feeling better and being so reasonable about medications. GK squeals like a little stuck pig every time he has to take his pills.
YAY!!! we're so glad you're feeling better!
Yay! We's furry glad you's feeling better, Chatham :)
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
Oh you look so cozy. I am furry glad you are feeling better
We're so furry happy that you're feelin' better!
I´m happy of your recovery!!
o, i am so happy u is feeling better.
sometimes tha medy-cin works real good.
You actually got to sleep on the human's pillow!!!!!! Hmm, that's not allowed at our house. Maybe it's compensation for having to take the nasty stuff. Which, BTW, I am very glad is working.
You cats are always complaining about something. You never can be satisfied. There's a cat staying with us and she thinks she runs the place now!
GUD yu are better. Keep takin the mediciness....it will make efurryfink OK!
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