Getting Old is No Fun
Yesterday was a bad day for me. Just felt bad and sick all day. The Beans kept checking on me - which is nice - but I just wanted to be left alone. {{sigh}} I can't even use the litter box without one of them coming to see what I'm doing. {{geez}}
I am feeling much better today. Cat Couch keeps bringing me food, but I'm not that hungry.

This bunch of stuff is from my medicine box. Well, one of them is from the coldfoodbox. The water bag hangs in the noisebox room (aka TV). Grandpa Poppie says it looks like his medicine box. {{swell}}
I am feeling much better today. Cat Couch keeps bringing me food, but I'm not that hungry.

This bunch of stuff is from my medicine box. Well, one of them is from the coldfoodbox. The water bag hangs in the noisebox room (aka TV). Grandpa Poppie says it looks like his medicine box. {{swell}}
Chatham, we knows what you are goinng frough from Norton and then Trixie. Bof of them saided that getting old was no fun, so it must be true. We hopes that you have many more good days than bad days.
We're glad you're feelin' better today! (But sorry you haves to take all that medicine).
The medicine definitely is no fun. Make sure your humans give you lots of extra treats to make up for it. After all, everyone wants you to feel better.
My Momma says the same fink.But we hopes you is feelin better and like da Meezers we hopes you have many more gud days than bad!
We're so sorry to hear you're a little under the weather. Rest up & take your pills!
Chatham make the 'beans give you even more loves, but on your terms and when you want it. Elders need to be respected and loved a lot. :) We hope you feel better soon ~Merlin, SHadow, Ko Ko
You cats live longer than us dogs, unless we get hold of you! Just kidding.
Yep. It looks like the old peoples medicines. Luckily we haf medicines that can make us feel better. Hope you feel good soon.
I know what you mean, my mom has been keeping close tabs on me the last few days too. Just cause we aren't feelin' up to par everyday does not mean that we're just gonna drop dead. Well, maybe, I guess all the extra attention isn't so bad. Fight the good fight, Chatham. Meezers is ornery, or as my mom says, some of them is too stubborn to die. That's what she says about me and I ain't even a meezer. I'm just a meanie instead.
Again ill? That they take care of much to you, please...
Pursss and kisess from Spain!
We hope you're feeling better, Chatham! Make sure you get your people to wait on you a lot. You shouldn't have to lift a paw if you don't want to!
Chatham, hope you are feeling better. I added your name on our Pet Prayer & Praise blog. You'll be getting lots more purrs, purrr-rayers and luv paws from all the blogging cats & their peoples.
My poodle Bear was born in 1990 and she also has her bad days.
Get losts of rest and I hope you're feeling better soon!
Oh Chatham, Giggy is sending you very warm hugs. We all hope you are feeling better.
I feel the same way sometimess, I just go in the closet and want to be left alone. Momma says getting old is no fun! And she is older than dirt.
Oh man, no privacy in the litterbox? How rude! You'd think that age would bring with it some respect, but I suppose People, being what tehy are, just can't help it...
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