Good Grief . . .

In all honesty, Cat Couch hasn't asked me to "sit up" in years. She decided that she wanted to see if I could still do it. The treats were yummy, so I did.
Just once.
The Life & Times of Chatham
June 13, 1987 - June 22, 2007
Thank you EVERYONE! for all your very kind words of comfort and concern. I do hope that this is the last time for a long time that I go to the V-E-T!
(drat - I just overheard Dad and Cat Couch say that Salem and I have our yearly check-ups coming up . . .)
The medicine makes me really thirsty ... and hungry, too. Dad served me breakfast in bed!
And he's staying home today to make sure that I'm okay. Unfortunately, he's going to call our regular V-E-T when she gets in at 8:00 so that I can get checked again later today.