Well, as you all know, I've been around a long time. Seen my share of the world. Chili Cook-offs and train rides. I've been around more than just my block.
Because I'm such an experienced feline, I was contacted by a public relations firm to try out a product. And of course I could not just turn my back on such an offer!
I tested
Fresh Step's ® Scoopable Litter. I've been a Tidy Cat
® Litter user for a very, very long time. I'm very particular about how clean the boxes are. Sometimes I have to go upstairs and get Dad to come down and scoop the litter. (Those Twin Girls aren't always on top of the job, you know.)
As a bit of a background, Dad is very fussy about cleanliness and ordor. Most of what he and Cat Couch get from the store are "odor free" because he hates smells of almost any kind.

So, on to the evaluation. Dad was afraid that I and
Salem wouldn't like and use the boxes because has
Fresh Step's ® Scoopable Litter a really different feel. It's more like soft sand. And it has a fragrance! But when Dad mentioned it, Cat Couch asked if it was too strong for him, and did he smell our ... ahem ...
business? And he had to admit that he didn't.
Dad's fears were for naught. Salem and I used the new litter. No poopies or other messes around the house. Just in the boxes. And he had to admit that this litter does clump up peepee better than Tidy Cat (he says that Tidy Cat's
® litter seems to make the clumped urine stick to the litterboxbag and Fresh Step's
® doesn't.)If you're not happy with your brand, consider this one. Conveniently located in your pet product aisle in your favorite store. Remember, your results may differ. Let me know what you think.
Now, back to your regularly scheduled program.