I have a new bowl - do you like it?

Cat Couch and Dad went to New Hope (PA) and there's a store there named "Meow Meow". Cat Couch was disappointed because they had sold their bigger store to Starbucks and are now in a much smaller space ... not as many kitty things! Dad reminded her that Cape May (NJ) still had "Whiskers". Yeah, but it's not all kitty-oriented. It's also bunny and doggie stuff. They should have their OWN store. hmpf
Nice bowl! Our Mommy and Daddy used to love to go to New Hope on the weekends when they lived in Fill-a-dell-fia.
I like your bowl! A cat of your stature definitely deserves breakfast in bed. You have your beans well trained.
What a neat bowl. We have one but not as fancy and it doesn't say to refill!
The line on the bowl is classic! You can see from the pictures concerning my adventure with Blackie that I, on the other hand, am still living with the same plastic food/water bowl for the past five years. Whatever you did to get your humans to buy you a new bowl, you must let me in on it.
What a great bowl! How can I gets breckies in bed? We has a store called Mad Cat an it's mostly cat stuff wif only a little dog stuff. 3 cats live there an try out all the towers an scratchin posts.
Cool bowl, and breakfast in bed too?! The closest thing we get to breakfast in bed is sometimes Mom gives us treats when we're laying on the cat perch shelves.
Maxwell Smartkitty
That is indeed a great bowl, Chatham! I love what it says! I want to get Emma a new ceramic bowl, cause she uses and old plastic two-sided bowl. But, she eats in the kitchen windowsill (yes, it's a big window! And it's the window across the room from the counters.). And she has a tendency to scoot her bowl when it's empty, therefor braking(sp?) her last pretty lavender bowl! Maybe I could velcro it to the sill so she can't do that?
You are furry lucky to have kitty stores......there is no such thing here in the sticks...
That bowl is super nice!!
Patches Lady
Great bowl, a not so subtle reminder to add food. Mum is going to check out the stores on line.
But breakfast in bed? NEVER!
Wonderful bowl! Do you get crunchies or stinkygoodness in it? And what technique did you use to train your CatCouch to bring you breakfast in bed?
Thank you Chat Cat we had Mom add those shops to our favorite places. We love finding new stores. ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko
Breakfast in bed? Oh that would be nice, but the Mom would never put food in the closet for me. I'm just thankful that she wakes me up when it's feeding time or else the Annoying One will take all the food.
Thanks for the link to the store. The Mom is thinking of a nice day trip down there to visit.
That is a great bowl! I want one!
Cute bowl! Hey, dogs are people too.
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