Warm Sun

It's gotten warm here - and we had snow not long ago! Weird weather.
I just love napping in the sun!
Cat Couch here: well, we had a small crisis this weekend. We discovered Saturday night that we had run out of the fluid that Chatham gets twice a day. We did not want to have him go until sometime Monday morning without hydration - Dad was in a minor panic. Of course, we could take Chatham to the emergency vet clinic to be hydrated (they wouldn't/couldn't sell us a bag of fluid), but that's rough on Chatham (and our wallet!).
We did leave a message on our Vet's machine, hoping that someone might check it before Monday morning. Then we remembered Dr. Henry who used to subsitute for Dr. Gratson. We looked in the phone book and thought that we might have the right Dr. Henry and left a message for her ("... if this is the Dr. Henry who..."). She wasn't in the area, but she had checked her messages and called us later Saturday night. She did indeed have bags of fluid to sell to us (she now has a large animal practice). And it turns out that she lives not too far away. She remembered Chatham and was happy to hear that he was doing okay.
Monday morning our regular Vet's office called after they listened to the messages - they were worried about Chatham. Dad had to assure them that Chatham was okay and everything worked out fine. And then he went in to get extra bags and needles.