
Cat Couch here:
Well, about a week ago we came home to discover that Chatham had come downstairs. He hasn't come down the stairs in many weeks! He's done it about five times now, which is encouraging. He's still not getting his business entirely in the litter box (somehow we can't quite convince him that just because his feet are in the box that it means that his rearend is in!).
Starting last night he's not been feeling well - I think he's constipated, despite getting pumpkin and Laxaire. I'm taking him to the vet this afternoon to have him checked out (and to get "it" out if need be).
(In this photo, you can see how Chatham's fur on one side of his face is fading in color. Siamese cats are born light-colored and get darker with age.)
Oh, Cat Couch... we hope that the vet can help Chatham get it out. Purrs & headbutts for Chatham.
Okay, we're back from the Vet. She got out all the poops. Chatham is feeling better. That's sure a relief!!
-- Cat Couch
YAY!! Grampa Norton usded to just run around the house when he camed home from getting de-pooped. He hadded to go efurry monf.
Hey Chatham, good job wif the stairs!! We has been werried about you.
Oh, Mr. Chatham, that bed you got sure looks cozy. I am glad you are feeling better and got those bad poops out!
deer chatham,
u look pooped in da pikshur ... an now yer "de-pooped an dat'z good. i'll be purrayin dat u feel better an better.
We're glad you're feelin' better after visitin' the v-e-t, Chatham! And way to go with the stairs! You look nice and cozy in your bed in the sun!
My tummy kinda ouckered at the idea of getting de-pooped. I hope it's not as unpleasant as it seems, and that Chatham manages to get it all over all the people at the stabby place...
Oh...I shoulr read comments before I spout off, eh? Glad they popped the poop out, and I hope he got someone with it ;)
We are glad you are feeling better... climbing stairs hey that is a big fing! Good for you. Keep it up Buddy!!
Yeah Mr. Chatham! You look so comfy in that picture. I'm glad the VET could help you get "it" out.
Oh Chatham, we are furry sorry you have to go to the vet! We are glad you were feeling so good that you went downstairs!
We are glad you are feeling better, Chatham. That is awesome that you made it down the stairs. Maybe with the nasty poops gone, you will want to do it some more.
So glad to see an update on Chatham and know that he is feeling better. Going downstairs sounds great. And now he's de-pooped, hopefully he'll be zipping all over the place.
Chatham, I am really glad to read that you are going downstairs more. I'm sorry you had to go to the vet to get de-pooped, but I hope it made you feel a lot better.
You are still beautiful Chatham :0) ~Merlin, Shadow, KO KO
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