Well, I got taken to the Vet again. And she did UNSPEAKABLE things to me. geeez. Just because I hadn't pooped lately, I get abused! {{humpf!}}
So when Cat Couch carried me out from the back, I wasn't in a good mood. And it didn't get any better when a humungous dog stuck his nose up at me.

Yah, sure he was just being friendly. Big, dumb, dopey smelly drooly dog wants to be friends.
Well, not with ME and not after what I had just been through.
So without a flinch or pause, I hissed/growled my loudest.
HaHA that big dumb scaredy dog buried his face in his bean's lap (she wasn't happy about the drool on her pants!).
I guess I told him who was boss!
(Cat Couch note here: The dog in question was a Mastiff and his owner told me that he weighed 175 pounds. Chatham weighs less than nine pounds these days. It was truly funny!)
Way to go, Chatham. Gotta show those woofies who's boss.
Chatham, I am very proud of you for teaching that doggie a lesson!
I do the same thing to the woofies when I go to the VET. The nerve some of the have.
i never see a d-o-g wen i go to dr. landerfeld becuz i go to da feline veterinary hospital an feline duz not inclood
d-o-gz ... but i havta say ... dat dog iz verree hansum!
yer frend--o'jete
Heh. Big brave woofy...
Good going on scaring the big woofie, Chatham. I'm sorry about the unspeakable things the vet did to you.
You showed him! That just goes to show how we have them wrapped around our little paws.
Hope you are feelin better Chatham.
You go Chatham! Those dogs think they are boss just 'cause they are big!
Ever see the video of a cat that trees a bear? A BEAR??!?!?! That was amazing.
Good response Chatham! Those big dumb doggies have to be kept in their place! He is lucky you couldn't jump on his back and ride him around the room like a motordoggy!
sorry you hadded bad fings done to you. Grampa Norton hadded to haf those fings done to him about efurry 3-4 weeks!!!!
good job wif the dog - mommy would haf laffed and laffed
Hang in there Chatham! There's still spunk in you to tell dem woofies what's up.
KC said...
Good fur u's, Chatham, showin that big ol bully dog who rules!
purrrsss, KC
What a brave boy you are Chatham! Woofies just don't get it sometimes.
You are so brave! I am so scairt of woofies. Good for you!
Thinking of you Chatham. purrs.
Yes, go Chatham. You spunky, wild old man you ~Shadow
Those toenails are like razors on the nose! How well I knows.
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