When I was ten years old, my people decided that their busy schedules left me alone too much. They thought that I needed company. So they brought home this:

Boy, what a pain in the back he is! (Sometimes literally!) Salem is not nearly as smart as I am, but he will switch food bowls with me when the people aren't looking. So it's not a total loss. I don't like my special food, but he seems to.
He has this thing about getting into boxes and baskets. Sure, it can be fun, but this guy is
obsessed! His favorite spot was the napkin basket on the table. Only it wasn't used for napkins anymore after he arrived. Salem kept using it, almost breaking it. The people even got a slightly bigger basket for him, but he wouldn't use it. Finally they had to put it away.

As long as he lets me have the prime lap spots, we'll be okay.