Warm Day

Today it got really warm - Cat Couch told Dad that it was 67. There should be snow outside, the Twins whined! They like the cold snow.
Anyway, Cat Couch and Dad opened up some windows. It was nice to sniff the wind, but then it got too windy and things started to blow around inside and they had to close the windows.
My dumb back legs aren't so good anymore. They slip and slide on the wood floors. And sometimes I get so tired that I have to just sit down and rest. Well, I'm halfway thru my 19th year, I guess I'm allowed to get tuckered out.
HI there Chatham, I am very happy to meet you. I'm glad you got to sniff through the window! You seem like a very nice cat!
Enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. You are doing furry well for a senior catizen. Lot of bean seniors have legs that don't work so well either.
we likes it when mommees opens the windows fur us. we hopes yur legs get better. yu is a senoir catizen and that makes yu extree speshul.
yuki & kimiko
that's a really beautiful pikshur Chatham. You is allowed to haf "old pains" as Grampa Norton used to call them. Derby is right, lots of bean seniors do haf legs that don't werk right too.
We're glad you got to enjoy the nice warm air! We agree with the others, it's okay if you need to rest.
We send you best wishes and our prayers. My daddy Dusty Doggy has problems like that with his back legs and he is about 16. I hope it doesn't hurt you too much. Rest. It scares us when we try to wake Dusty up because we have to shake him sometimes to get him awake. We all love you, Chatham!
Chatham yu look like yu is really enjoyin the nice sunbeams and good sniffs.
Don't werry bout the back legs, my legs slip and slide on the hard wood floors too!
Enjoy the fresh air and sun. You deserves it.
Oh, Chatham - we are sorry the back legs are not behaving for you. We hope they don't cause you much pain & that you enjoy many more sunbeams pain free.
Chat, you hang in there - I had a meezer sister who hung in there 'til she was 23!
I'm Rocky, CEO (Cat Executive Officer) of ArtsyCatsy. Come over when you're up to it & see my catstaff of 15 train our artist humans to start a new business for cat lovers. If we make you purr, want to link to each other? You can emeow me at ArtsyCatsy@yahoo.com.
My cats are obsessed with windows. I am going to get a few "cat verandas" for them once I get the funds gathered.
The veranda is an enclosed platform thing with a built in cat door. Once installed, the cat can hang out on an outdoor platform all it wants. The platform is escape proof so no critters can enter and the cat can not fall out or anything.
A'course you's allowed to get tuckered out. You's a cat! You kin do what you wants. And yeah, when we kitties gets old our leggies don't work as good. But we's still wonderful efun when we's older :)
Hi there! I can't believe I didn't know you were a blogging meezer. Us meezers have to stick together! Come check out my blog sometime (and my brother & sister too). Do you mind if we blogroll you?
When Hank the Dog got old enough his legs didn't do well on the slick floors, the People covered them with carpet and carpet runners. I wanted them to make him wear shoes, but they never listen to me... Hey! Maybe you can wear shoes so you don't slip! Take pictures if you do ;)
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