Welcome to the Party!
Chatham is 20 years old today!
(I forgot to say that the party is an all-day affair:
please feel free to come and go as you like!)

Cat Couch and Dad made cakes and cupcakes. Dad is taking the cake to his work. Cat Couch will take cupcakes to the Vet, the Guest Vet and the Emergency Vet.
(Granny, there is plenty of cupcakes for you here, too!)
Silly Cat Couch had to put fake flowers on me and a stupid hat:

But then she put the hat on Salem, too! Heehee!

Since I'm so old, I am likely to nap a good bit, but don't let that keep you away and having fun. I can sleep through anything.
Happy 20th Purrthday, Chatham! Wow what a milestone. Thanks for the invitation to your party. What time does the party start? We love party's.
Samantha & Tigger
Happy, Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Birthday! (That's 20 Happies!)
Thanks for the invite to your party - it was great!
Purrs and smooches!
Parker and the rest of us.
Happy 20th Purrthday Chatham.... we hope you have a wonderful day. Purrs & headbutts...
Mia & Ghost
Happy birthday to my very first Grandcat!
I'll be over for the cake. You forgot to mention ice cream. Be sure to take care of that before I get there.
Happy 20th Birthday Chatham! :) I hope you have a great day! As we say in German: Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! :)
O, Chatham,
20 years old. how wonnerful. u's nap all u's wanna, we all loves u. 'n fanks fur tha part-tee!
Purrs & headbutts, KC
Happy Purrthday, Chatham, and con-cat-ulashuns on reaching a real milestone.
Missy Blue Eyes
Hi Chatham, we seen on the CB that yer 20 today. Woweee!! Happy purrfday to yoo. We hafn't visited yoo befurr cuz we didn't know about yoo. Don't know how we missed seeing yoo all this time, but we will add yer link so we can come back. Haf a grate day.
Happy Purrthday Cahatham! One more year and yoo can go into a bean bar and order a drink. Zippy sez she'll come and nap the day away with yoo.
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday Dear Chatham!
Happy Birthday to you!
This is very exciting. Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Chatham! Wow, 20 years old, good health, and lookin' good - that's amazing and a blessing!
Very happy to meet you, my big sis Casey would be very pleased to meet you, she is a meezer too!
Happy 20th Chatham!! You are so handsome and don't look a day over 5! Hope your day is great! Emma says she'll be over after her nap to watch those birdies of yours. I know what I'm getting her for her b-day now...a bird feeder, lol.
Oh, Happy Purrday. We are comin ofur. Mittens am comin too, she said she feels up to it, but would luv to snuggle wif you as she isn't up to much. She says a bisit with you is long overdue. Precious promises to be good, but, that is debatable. Maybe Pepi will come so she has someone to get wild and crazy wif. Mistrie is staying home, although she said she may stop by and say HB.See you soon........
Happy Purrday Chatham...let's see that a purrfect 10 PLUS another purrfect 10 and that equals 20 man you are having a great purrday!
Fanks furrs inviting us.
*yum* I'll just have a taste of sum of that purrday cake....
Wow, Happy Birthday!! You are such an inspiration to us all. You had seriously better celebrate!!!
Our sincere congratz to the purrthday boy!
We're on our way over and Misty, Tipper & Max want to share a cupcake. I'm watching my weight since I'll be entering my geezerhood (10 years old) in a few weeks.
Chatham, HAPPY HAPPY PURRFDAY our wise Meezer furriend! 20!! WOW. we shur hopes we get to be 20 someday!
fanks for the invite to your party. the cupcakes look great, and I would efenn wear a hat for you! - Sammy and Miles
Cat Couch - fank you for your hospitality!
Hi Salem!
Oh Chey and I are so pleased to be invited to your 20th purthday. In fact, even Georgia is here to say happy birthday to one of her peers!
happy birthday to you! happy birthday to you! happy birthday dear Chatham! happy birthday to yoooooouuuuuuuu.
I'm on my way over now! I love celebrating with my friends and this is a wonderful event.
A very very Happy Birthday Chatham! You are looking great! Congratulations on celebrating 20 human years.
what a special day, chatham!! we wish you the furry bestest of days, an' health for years to come!!
thank you for the party invite--we will teleport ofurr soon an' help you eat cake (although the pre-baked state looked pretty yummy, too), an' watch the fev-vers, an' prolly hit the 'nip--we'll havta watch ed, though. he can get pretty obnoxious when he's nipped up;-)
an' our furry own geezer--nelson lapurr--will prolly get in some nap time wif you! it'll be a nice cat pile wif mittens an' zippy in there, too.
nitro promises to play wif precious--he's pretty feisty.
warm purrs from us meowers--see ya soon!
Happy 20th Birthday & many more! We are new to the blogosphere but we thought we stop by and help you celebrate the big 2-0.
Omigooness.... we caint efun count to twenty. Dat's like a zillion million sleepies.
Happy happy happy burfday!!!
Happy 20th Purrthday, Chatham! Don't take this the wrong way, but you is old.
Happy 20th Purrthday, Chatham! Mom says we can spend all day with you! We're so excited, the climbing stuff and toys look really fun, the food is yummy and we always love to watch fev-vers and squirrels! And, since we're gonna be 5 soon, we can stay quiet long enough to nap with you too!
Happy Birthday, Chatham! This is a very fun party. 20 is a great milestone. I hope you have a super-fantastic day. Here is a little sandpapery birthday kiss for you.
ooo look at the birdies! very cool! Oh! a big fat squirrel
Happy Purrthday Chatham! We's furry impurressed yoo can bake cakes n cupcakes. Must be a geezer cat skill! Maybe we'll lern one day. Fanks fur all the goodies. Mommy's gotta run, so we'll perch ofur heere and watch the fev-vers while owr typist is away fur a whiles.
Happy Birthday, Sir!
I'll bring over some 'nip and we geezers can have a nice long nap...
Happy 20th burrfday!
and lotsa good whishes =^..^=
Happy 20th to you, Chatham! We'll try to come over to your party - it sounds terrific!
Happy Happy Birthday
May all your dreams come true
Oh, Happy Happy Birthday
With love from us to you!
Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Pumpkin: Happy Berfday, Chatham! We'z on owr way offur. Blackie sez she'll nap wiff yu since she'z an old lady cat. *whap!* Hey, yu are! Yore 18!
Blackie: Huh, no respek frum the brat! We SENIOR poodins haff EARNED the rite to nap when we want to! Fanks fur the invite to the party. I'll haff sum nip after the nap.
Happy Purrfday, Chatham. Hope you have a great day, even if all you do is sleep through everything.
You look fantastic! I would like to wish you a very happy birthday!!! Thank you for inviting all of us to share in your special day!
Oscar the Puppy Cat
Happy happy purrthday Chatham - da big 2-0!!! Lookin' good dude!
Well, we finks yoo look better wifout the fake flowers and the hat, Chatham, but yore Cat Couch throws a grate party.
The cupcakes are yummy! No, Mini, yoo can't eet them allllllllll. You'll barf and then Mommy will freak.
Hi Chatham! Happy Birthday to one of our great senior catizens.
I see so many of my furiends here, you throw a great party!
Happy birthday Chatham. Wishing you health and happyness.
I hate to complain. Well, no, I don't. Hate to complain that is. Anyway hoo, there was a whisker in my cake. Just sayin'. Be more careful when you turn 21.
Wow, you are a gorgeous meezer, I would have never guessed your age! I hope I look as good when I'm 20!
I heading for the niptini....
Happy Purrthday Chatham!!
love and purrs,
happy birthday
Alla us Ballicai singin':
Happy purrthday to you
Happy purrthday to you
Happy purrthday dear Chatham
Happy purrthday to you!
this is a supergreat party! And superduper catnip, too! Me and my sisturs are givin' you hugs -- what a wonderful special day this is -- #20!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Happy 20th Birthday, dear Chatham! What a wonderful milestone. And you look MAHvelous! I hope you have a super special day.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
We had so much fun today, Chatham!! Thanks for havin' such a great party. We hopes you had a wonderful day!!
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdy Deer Chatham,
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes!
... and many more!!!!!
I don't fink I can efun count to 20. That's a lot a years! I'd tip my hat to you, but I don't got one. Purrs an cheers fur the purrthday boy!
20 is a major milestone for a cat. You can tell that the humans take good care of you.
Try to not bite anyone for making you wear that silly hat.
That's wonderrrful! Have a verrry fun birrrthday. I am Jade and am new to blogging. Come visit me--I am the cousin of Kimo and Sabe (if you know them too.) My bean had a feline for 23 yearrrs--Catrina, was her name and she used to rrride horrrses with my bean when they werre both youngerrr kitties. Catrina was a total outdoorrr gurrl and would have loved hearrring about yourrr grrreat parrtay!
Happy Birthday, Chatham. I hope you had a great day.
We have posted on our blog about the great party! We want to thank you for the great time.
Happy Purrthday Chatham!
Happy Belated Birthday, Chatham! I am sorry I missed it.
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20 wonderful years.... Purrayers. loves and kisses for you handsome kitty...
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