
Cat Couch told Dad that the van's therm-meter said 102 yesterday. And the noisy-box weather-bean just said that the heat index is going to be 112 today. That sounds really bad.
I feel sad for the critters outside, especially the kitties that aren't let inside houses. Cat Couch made a sort of little pond outside for the birds and squirrels, so that they can drink. She told Dad that she saw a big ol' ant go in and take a swim across.
Mommy putted out some water for the neighborhood poodins that wander around. we feel bad for them.
Yes, it is HOT! That was a good thing the Cat Couch did. Kudos to her.
That was furry nice that she made sure there was lots of water for the outside critters. I hope that it starts to cool off soon for you
It certainly needs to end soon if you ask me! I agree with the others that Cat Couch did a very nice thing for those critters outside. It's nice to know someone is looking out for them!
It's terrible hot here, too. Dad puts fresh water in the birdbath so everyone can drink.
It's way too hot everywhere. We're used to HOT in Florida, but when the rest of the country is worse off then we are, it's really really bad. Glad you Cat Couch put water outside for those who have it even harder!
I complain all the time about how it's too cold in the house, but when the Mom opened the door and let the heat in for a couple of minutes even I found it to be too darn hot. I just hope the outside kitties are being smart and staying in the shade.
It was nice of your Cat Couch to make sure everyone outside could get water. We don't have a cool air thing, so we are roastin' too, but we can stay out of the sun. We heard Mom say that it's cooler outside than inside, at least at night. She puts cool water outside for the outside kitties here, and we all get ice cubes in our water.
Hot is icky. I like layin under the fan even tho the air condishuner is on. That was furry nice of your chat couch. It was so hot here that Gree and Pepi got to stay inside so they wouldn't get sick from bein so hot.
~~ Sanjee
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DaisyMae Maus & the Feline Americans
MMMMM... It´s a nice place to sleep and to rest
Purrrsss of Spain and thanks for your link to my blog!
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